In compliance with the French laws on digital security (LCEN) dated June 21st 2004, these are the contact details for the editor and host provider of this site:
Internet Site of: Lycée Choiseul
Publishing director: Eric Gommé
Editorial manager: Eric Gommé
Provisioner of direct and permanent storage: Rectorat d'Orléans-Tours
Address: 21 rue Saint Etienne 45000 ORLEANS
Webmaster: Marcel Bonnet
Quality: Professeur
This site benefits from French and international legislation regarding copyrights and intellectual property.
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All reproduction rights are reserved.
Originally the EVA site was simply an Establishment Intranet portal installed on the PingOO servers.
This current version, slightly modified, enables any school or educational establishment to provision a collaborative site site by offering several various publication templates (article, photo album, slide show ...)
For further information about the EVA-web project, please visit the site
EVA-web is free software distributed under the GNU (GNU General Public License or GPL) and designed to operate based on the SPIP application framework.
2015-2024 © Lycée CHOISEUL 78 rue des Douets CS 69549 Tours Cedex 2 - All rights reserved
This site is managed by SPIP 3.2.19 and use template EVA-Web 4.2
Latest updates : Sunday 26 March 2023